ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction

This is the first issue of the bilingual anarchist paper Antisistema, which will be published irregularly. The paper gives space for anarchist analyses, discussions and documentations of attacks on structures of domination.
From now on we will upload the PDFs of the paper in german and english and want to encourage decentralized printing, distribution and discussion.

Contact: anti-sistema at

– Editorial
– For more cheerful daring
– For a determined struggle against the industrial destruction of the earth!
– Combining the question of social revolution with the question of ecology
– Defence is not the best attack
– Words are followed by actions


The (un-)consciousness of the individual and his or her more or less voluntary participation in society is the engine of the same. The innumerable questions and doubts one asks oneself in the course of life can be overwhelming, and it is difficult to imagine detaching oneself from the prevailing reason. The ideology of the citizen prevents any unleashing of freedom. Moving away from the prescribed ways of authoritarian society can be a matter of one‘s own will – but is also always conditioned by external factors such as the individual‘s experience of being exploited, regimented and beaten on his own skin. Rebellion against any authority and humiliation may appear to be a logical conclusion in thought and everywhere – but it is usually not. For every hierarchical system is interwoven with an ideological core. Our alleged high culture should be the apex of economic, social, cultural, political and even ecological development. In practice, however, it seems much more likely to mean the destruction of all life on this planet. Nothing is more responsible for the destruction of the earth than industrial capitalism, its ideology of progress and a humanity obsessed with progress in all its complexity, with all its interwoven needs, desires and illusions. Many of these dreams are now finally to be realised through the doctrine of technology and science. But on the way to dubious „perfection“ it will leave a trail of long-term devastation. Nuclear waste, microplastics, asbestos, cancer and ecological disaster are the consequences. The dominant industrial system manufactures the destruction of the earth and life on a daily basis.

Within this mega-machine there is no longer anything local, everything is global – the infrastructure of and belief in the capitalist system has the entire globe in its grip and the structures of the industrial system are expanding by the second with the aim of colonising all life on the planet as well as our bodies and thoughts. The structures of the data and electricity network, the transport routes of goods and raw materials, the logistic networks, the metropolises, the factories, the prisons and the temples of technology are the cornerstones and veins of the system that increasingly turns our survival into sleepwalking in digital illusory worlds and keeps the reality of oppression and colonisation on this planet trapped in an interplay of war, state of emergency and catastrophe. In the face of this, it would be hostile to life to fuel the lethargy of the exploited and excluded in order to create guilt in the sense of the prevailing politics. The system cannot be improved, it must be destroyed. Otherwise, all that remains are various forms of moral self-flagellation and hypocrisy (green capitalism, supposedly organic food, etc.).

That is why the anarchy we are talking about puts the problem of destruction at the centre: the destruction of everything that prevents us from living, that restricts us, that stands in the way of freedom, that is imposed on us, that oppresses us, that scourges us, that reduces us, that wants to govern and manage us. The destruction and attacks on the veins and cornerstones of the ruling system are not only of a physical nature, but also target the social relations and ideologies that surround us. So the critique of social relations arms our minds, and the toolbox of sabotage arms our hands – and in a dispersed conflict we come together with other individuals who are equally intent destroying what stands in the way of their freedom. This scattered constellation of struggle – sometimes alone, sometimes in small groups, sometimes coordinated or with many others – emphasises the need to organise oneself, to express one‘s own ideas, to examine them and one‘s own relationships, to discuss them and relate them to one‘s own perspectives. For what can damage the pervasive and fragile network of the system and provoke ruptures in the social reality of oppression is neither a centralised „counter-power“, nor a „critical public debate“, nor reformism in anarchist rhetoric. Rather, numerous scattered individuals and groups who come together according to their own desires and hostilities to dare destructive attacks on the neural pathways of the system can wash away the lethargy and rot of servility, multiply social disorder and disrupt the stability and functionality of order.

A liberating proposal for self-responsibility, for overcoming coercive relations, can therefore be the violent uprising against these relations, in order to propose and implement an unambiguous expression of offensive action against the existing system.

[Hamburg-Germany] Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

In the last few days, a so-called “AirTag” from Apple was found in the seat of a scooter. The scooter is used by an anarchist from Hamburg, who has already been the subject of Surveillance and investigative measures in the past.
The small, flat device of an approximate diameter of 3 centimeters and a height of less than 1 centimeter, was placed through a slit in the seat cushion, which was apparently made with a cutter knife or similar.
The assumption is that an investigative agency or the Verfassungsschutz (german interior secret service) is responsible for the placement. Apple originally marketed the AirTags for the purpose of tagging items such as a bunch of keys, wallet or similar in the immediate vicinity of one’s
of one’s smartphone. It works via Bluetooth and has an immediate maximum range of about 100 meters outdoors.
It only becomes a tool for tracking the movements of another person via the “Where is? app. When this function is activated, the “lost” AirTag pairs with other iPhones or iPads (with activated Bluetooth function) in the vicinity
and passes the location via the “Where is?” network to the Apple device paired with the tracker. Apple device paired with the tracker – and with inflationary use of Apple products and Bluetooth headphones, these small devices then record a potentially fairly complete movement profile, especially in urban areas. The batteries of the AirTags have a lifespan
of about one year. According to Apple, the trackers emit a (quiet) beep in “Where is?” mode at regular intervals – which is sufficiently muffled by the upholstery of the scooter seat, for example. It should also be possible, by means of the “Where is?” app in iPhones and the “Airguard” app for Android to identify “lost” AirTags. There are some articles about these
possibilities on the IT platform, which we recommend reading.

The serial number of the AirTag theoretically allows to identify the device that was originally paired with it – but it is difficult to get hold of the data over which the Apple group has control.
AirTags currently cost around 40 euros each – making them by far the cheapest way for investigators to use such devices for surveillance.
A certain failure rate, gaps in the surveillance or a limited usability of the data in criminal proceedings, we estimate that these are insignificant reasons for the authorities not to use the devices.
So: check your cars, scooters, bikes and so on.

We are happy to receive technical supplements or your own
experience reports.
And let’s oppose the paranoia with our anger, determination, caution and solidarity.

Ihr seid die (Klima-)Krise! Buttersäüre für Siemens in Bremen

Es gäbe unendlich viel über den Siemens-Konzern zu sagen. Aber fassen wir uns kurz:
Das Kerngeschäft von Siemens ist die Bereitstellung von Infrastrukturen und Technologien für die kapitalistische Umweltzerstörung weltweit – wahlweise mit einem giftigen grünen Anstrich – aber immer auf Seiten staatlicher und kapitalistischer Akteure. Sei es durch Wartung und Instandhaltung von Maschinen in den Tagebauen Garzweiler, Lützerath oder Nochten, der weltgrößten Kohlemine “Adani” in Australien oder der gerade eröffneten Kohlemine “Carmichael”, ebenfalls Australien, die fast 5 Milliarden Tonnen CO2-Äquivalente freisetzen und das Great Barrier Reef direkt verschmutzen wird. Es überrascht niemanden, dass der Konzern in der Vergangenheit die Wehrmacht mit Elektrogeräten belieferte und mindestens 50.000 Zwangsarbeiter:innen und KZ-Häftlinge für sich arbeiten ließ. Es überrascht auch nicht, dass das Unternehmen keine Anstrengungen unternimmt, sich zu ändern – obwohl “nachhaltig” das am häufigsten verwendete Wort auf der Website des Unternehmens zu sein scheint. All dies ist nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt dessen, was dieser Konzern zu bieten hat: Siemens ist auch am Bau von Gefängnissen beteiligt, produziert und wartet Überwachungstechnik, leitet verschiedene Verteidigungsprojekte wie das Laserradarsystem “Albis”, stellt digitale Infrastruktur und U-Boot-Technologie für das US-Militär bereit … die Liste ließe sich ewig fortsetzen. Es sollte auch erwähnt werden, dass Siemens mit Milliarden von Dollar am militärisch-industriellen Komplex in der Türkei beteiligt und dass das Unternehmen immer noch bestrebt ist, Teil des “Tren-Maya”-Projekts zu werden. Der “Tren Maya” ist ein 2018 gestartetes neokoloniales Infrastrukturprojekt, mit dem der mexikanische Staat einzigartige Ökosysteme zerstören und Territorien der Maya, Tzeltales, Tzoziles und Ch’oles enteignen wird, und in dessen Zusammenhang es bereits 8 Morde an Gemeindesprecher:innen im Widerstand gegen den “Tren Maya” gab. Wir sehen uns manchmal mit der völlig normalisierten Zerstörung der Erde konfrontiert. Diese Normalisierung verstellt den Blick auf jene Akteure, die hier vor Ort einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Klimawandel leisten und alles tun, um einen grünen Kapitalismus voranzutreiben, der dem alten fossilen Kapitalismus in Sachen neokolonialer Ausbeutung von Mensch, Tier und Erde in nichts nachsteht. Siemens ist einer dieser Akteure – mit 125 Standorten in Deutschland und 190 Ländern weltweit … das sind viele potenzielle Ziele für diejenigen, die die Verantwortlichen etwas gezielter angreifen wollen. Lasst uns hier die Kapazitäten, Fähigkeiten und Beziehungen entwickeln, um diese Maschinerie praktisch zu sabotieren! Für eine antikoloniale und kämpferische internationale Solidarität! Solidarität mit dem anarchistischen Gefangenen Alfredo Cospito, der sich seit dem 20.10.22 im Hungerstreik im Knast befindet und gegen das 41bis-Regime und die italienische Justiz kämpft! Solidarität mit dem Kampf gegen die Cop-City in Atlanta! In Gedenken an Tortuguita und alle ermordeten Mitstreiter*innen, die im Kampf für eine besser Welt ermordet wurden – wir tragen eure Kämpfe weiter! Presse: „…Nachdem die Reinigungskräfte die Flüssigkeit beseitigt hatten, klagten Polizeiangaben zufolge am Vormittag mehrere Menschen über Kopfschmerzen und Übelkeit. Offenbar seien Gase der Flüssigkeit ins Haus gelangt. Die Polizei sperrte daraufhin den Bereich; das Gebäude mit etwa 200 Personen wurde vorsorglich evakuiert. Feuerwehr- und Rettungskräfte waren mit einem Großaufgebot im Einsatz. Der Staatsschutz sucht nach Zeugen.“ Quelle butenunbinnen (…)

Frauen gegen Gen- und Reproduktionstechnologien

Editorische Notiz Die im folgenden abgedruckten Texte wurden erstmals 1989 im Sammelband Frauen gegen Gen- und Reproduktionstechnologien veröffentlicht, der im Nachgang zum 2. bundesweiten, gleichnamigen Kongress vom 28. bis 30. Oktober 1988 in Frankfurt als Dokumentation des selbigen erschienen war. Hier ist nur ein kleiner Bruchteil der Artikel wiedergegeben.

Appeal: Days of International Solidarity with Deserters

The war in Ukraine continues with all the negative consequences for much of the world. However, acts of desertion and draft evasion also continue, which, if widespread, could lead to the end of the war. Anarchists from the Central European region are therefore publishing this call to organise active support for deserters. Wherever we live, let us make every other day a day of international working-class solidarity and resistance against the war. Let us organise in workplaces, schools and streets to strengthen the influence of desertions. Let us fight for dignified conditions for all who refuse to serve as a cannon fodder in the inter-imperialist war.

At least 200,000 people are fleeing Russia to escape Putin’s military mobilisation, and tens of thousands more are avoiding mobilisation in Ukraine. Yet some voices claim that “the number of deserters is so negligible that it is strange to even begin to talk about it.” These cynical attempts to “make invisible” people who choose not to serve in the army, to defect or to emigrate for political reasons, must be opposed. Their voices must be heard and practical help must be given.
Anti-war speeches do not yet have the subversive power needed to stop the war, which is why it is necessary to create conditions that make it easier for other people considering a desertion to move from reflection to action. It is not a question of standing on the front line between the tanks of both armies and thinking that this will make the soldiers lay down their arms. It is about achieving the conditions at the international level that ensure that deserters can safely defect and live in another country without a risk of prosecution and social stigmatisation.

At present, opponents of the war in Russia and Ukraine have almost nowhere to go. They are trapped between national borders by their ‘own’ governments, while neighbouring countries refuse to accept them and provide them with decent material conditions. If people’s choices remain limited to the options of ‘either being forced to serve in the army or face persecution’, we can hardly expect an increase in desertions. It is necessary to achieve the opening of borders not only for civilian refugees, but also for deserters from the armies on both sides of the war line. This is precisely what can significantly weaken the dynamics of war.

But this will never be done by negotiation with the various governments which are only the local minions of the world capital state, nor will it be done by a social-democratic call to “make concessions in the area of migration policy”. Our only weapon for us, the proletarians, is the class struggle, it is the mobilization in the streets, it is the sabotage of the economy, and it is the direct action against permanent war… It is then, and only then, that the frightened ruling class is forced to let go, which will never constitute for us the goal of the struggle but only a moment from which new offensives must be carried out against the whole of this world of misery and war…

After all, the proclamations of politicians criticising the aggression of the Russian army are an expression of hypocrisy whereas they refuse to share material conditions and resources with people who refuse to serve in the army. And besides, why and how would they act otherwise, these worthy representatives of the bourgeois order!? It is necessary to stand consistently against Putin’s aggressors, as well as against the statesmen of other countries who, through their own policies, allow the army to retain its war potential. It is the governments of the countries in which we live that effectively make it more difficult to desert, and thereby they contribute to the continuation of the war.

Those who are concerned about saving lives should be thinking about how to weaken the fighting capacity of armies, how to get soldiers off the front lines, how to get them to disobey, how to motivate them to use their weapons against those who force them to go to war. Let us think about this and organise direct actions that will turn these considerations into concrete results.



A colourful message at the Belarusian Embassy in Prague

On Friday, October 21, 2022, a colorful message was placed on the Belarusian Embassy in Prague: first, the wall was marked with red paint and then on this background was written “FREEDOM FOR IHAR A.”

The red color symbolizes the blood of people who are massacred by the Belarusian police at demonstrations and in KGB cells. Moreover, with the current war aggression in Ukraine, the Belarusian state is a very close partner of the Russian state. Thus, the Lukashenko regime is also complicit in the bloodbath of people outside Belarus.

The colourful message at the Belarusian Embassy in Prague is a solidarity greeting for Ihar Alinevich. This anarchist is imprisoned because he supported the resistance against the Belarusian dictatorship. It is important to express solidarity with him and fight for his liberation. Ihar has decided to undergo a hunger strike in appalling prison conditions and there is reasonable fear for his life. This is because the Belarusian regime has repeatedly shown its disrespect for life by having people murdered in the streets, buried alive in prisons, and tortured by the KGB.

The colourful message on the wall reminds the Belarusian regime that the people see its crimes and will not be silent. Recently, colourful messages have also proliferated in the embassies of other countries: Turkey, Russia, Iran, Ukraine… It is clear that every state is an oppressive political formation and people have many reasons to confront all states. When statesmen attack people’s lives, at any time someone responds angrily. And that’s great. Ihar Alinevich is not alone in his struggle, and the Belarusian state will hopefully die one day.

But the bad news is that the police have arrested the person responsible for making the colourful note at the Belarusian embassy in Prague. On the same day, the court ruled in a summary procedure on a sentence of 3 months imprisonment suspended for 15 months. The convicted person said, “The punishment is bad news, but it is also a fact that punishment cannot stop solidarity. There will only be a transfer of activities to other territories and solidarity will manifest itself in a different form.”

It was not informed what activities will be implemented and where.

The anarchist library „Fermento“ closes its doors at the Zweierstr. 42 in Zurich at the end of October

After more than 10 years, at three different locations in Zurich, the anarchist library „Fermento“ with the archive and the distro part will be put into storage. Stored does not mean that it will no longer be accessible, but there will be temporarily no more opening times and we leave the current location at Zweierstr. 42 in Zurich by the end of October 2022.

We look back on countless meetings and discussions with people from near and far. On book presentations and film viewings, on moments where people from different struggles and projects have met to exchange ideas, on publications and a lot more…all of it, to attack the dominion with its diverse facets.
We don’t know at the moment what will happen with the anarchist library „Fermento“. But we know that we will continue to deepen our ideas to fight the authorities.  

The destruction of our planet and thus the basis of life of any free and self-determined being, war and militarization, state of emergency and an accompanying totalization of technological harmfulness and surveillance of life, are only some of the most obvious reasons to destroy the world of domination!

Solidarity greetings to all anarchist prisoners in the dungeons of the authorities!

Solidarity greetings to nowhere, to all anarchist comrades on the run from dominion!

We will definitely meet again somewhere!

Now and for always: for anarchy!

Some from the anarchist library „Fermento“

P.S.: The Email address will remain active for the time being, for questions and suggestions, but above all continue to send us your anarchist publications by email. We will also be happy to send you a postal address for the printed versions. If you still have a book on loan, please contact us.

Für die Anarchie